About Me

Sunday, October 14, 2012

'Do it right at the first place' motto

'Always' should be added after the word 'place' in the title actually.

But, I like to keep the title as short and stupid as possible. Always. 

For me, this motto sound INCREDIBLY IMPOSSIBLE to me. 
Everyone does mistakes.
By chance or not. 
How come we can avoid mistakes in the FIRST PLACE & ALWAYS.

It just very WRONG to me. 

Hurm. .............................................................................

So, what on earth I come to know this motto in my life?

Well, this motto is written on a banner, as big as a pair of eye can see on the fence for the safety purpose (I am assuming) at the area close to my university where I am studying. 

But, I never take serious notice about the reminder as I am assuming it is for the safety purpose.

So, you can guess that I am wrong.

Then, this motto really start getting me on nerve when I read it for the second time. 
I read it in the manual how to bake perfect cookies on the internet. 

It is saying;

"If something is worth doing, it is worth doing it right!. Cultivate the do-it-right attitude and habit. Baking demands accuracy and care".

Begin from that moment, I am always in denial when it comes to think about this motto.
Is it possible? Really is?

picture source: tumblr.